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Your donation makes a difference. Making a one-time, monthly, or memorial donation directly supports the programs and services of the Humane Society.


Urgent Appeal - Puppies

A litter of 5 puppies was found in a box by the highway. They are now all safe in loving foster homes. Cost of care is estimated at $8,200 which includes spay/neuter, vaccines, microchips, and all other care costs until they are ready to be adopted. Please consider donating.

One Time Donation

Every animal deserves a chance! Your one-time donation to the Humane Society will help change the life of an animal in need.

Monthly Donation to Kitchener Waterloo

Being able to count on your regular, recurring donation allows us to provide the necessities for day-to-day animal care in Kitchener Waterloo.

Monthly Donation to Stratford Perth

Being able to count on your regular, recurring donation allows us to provide the necessities for day-to-day animal care in Stratford Perth.

In memory of a person or pet

Remember the life of a beloved person or pet. Your memorial donation will honour your loved one's memory by giving a second chance to a special animal.

In Celebration of a Person or Pet in Kitchener Waterloo

Honour a friend or family member as they celebrate a special occasion—a wonderful way to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary, wedding or retirement.

In Celebration of a Person or Pet in Stratford Perth

Honour a friend or family member as they celebrate a special occasion—a wonderful way to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary, wedding or retirement.


Estate Gifts

Interested in making a lasting impact for animals in our communities? You can help secure HSKWSP's future through a planned gift. Contact us today to start the discussion.

Other ways you can support the Humane Society

Can't make a monetary donation? There are many ways you can support HSKWSP. Adopt, foster, volunteer, or donate items off of our wishlist.